As part of their Enseignements Pratiques Interdisciplinaires (EPIs), our 3ème students participated in the signature Mauritian flora and fauna project. The activities included a visit to the Ebony Forest Reserve, listening to a talk by visiting conservation scientists, and completing an endemic plant identification activity in our school garden. The highlight of the project was a flora and fauna conference where guest speakers and students spoke about our fragile Mauritian plants and animals. Our guests included Dr. Vincent Florens, a conservationist from the University of Mauritius, Christelle Ferriere, an ex Ecole du Centre student who now works at Ebony Forest and Ashmi Bunsy, a PhD student studying Mauritius bats. Our wonderful guests and our incredible students made sure that the conference was a great success. Students can choose this project to present in the Oral du Brevet at the end of their school year.